2.1 Quick Reference
- File names should only contain letters in the English alphabet, numbers from 1-9, dashes
, and underscores_
. - Do not use spaces or special characters, including
# % & < > : " / | ? * { } $ ! ' @ + ` =
- File names should be broken down into components that are separated by underscores
. - If more than one word is needed in each component, these are separated by dashes
. - All files should start with your last name and all other components should be meaningful (read on for what it means for a file name to be meaningful!)
There are four variations on how these guidelines are implemented depending on what your file contains.
2.1.1 Lab reports and manuscripts
Format LastName_Project_File-contents_Version.file-type
Example Pither_BIOL116RProject_Manuscript_V0.docx
2.1.2 Figures and plots
Format LastName_Project_Figure-title_Version.file-type
Example Pither_BIOL116RProject_Figure-freq-plot_V1.png