Closing Remarks…

Time to start doing science!

You will conduct your research project over the course of the term, alternating between in person sessions, when you will work with your group to plan and / or implement your research plan, and asynchronous online sessions, when you will work through Canvas modules to help you gain the skills and information you need to be successful in this project.

The weekly plan is written in your course syllabus, along with which weeks are in person - called synchronous in the syllabus - and which ones are online - called asynchronous in the syllabus. Most weeks you will have something to submit that is related to this project in one way or another (except for the weeks you're actually running your experiments and collecting the data!. You will get more information about this in you first in-person lab this week.

One final thought… while science is serious and noble and logical and all of the rest… it's is also exciting and fun! We can be rigorous and careful in the work we do, and also be really excited by the cool questions we're exploring. So even while you are doing your best to learn the principles of science, it is our sincere hope that you also find the joy in research and discovery!

Happy Sciencing!