A Poster with Room for Improvement

Here is an example of a poster which scored 46.5/93 (50%).

The poster shown below was one that Dr. Robin built during her Ph.D. Since this poster was developed for a different purpose than BIOL116, it had a different goal than your BIOL116 poster, and was considered to be an excellent poster for that purpose. If we apply the BIOL116 poster rubric to the poster, we see that it scores only 46.5/ 93. Not only does this show you some examples of what not to do for your BIOL116 poster session, it also highlights why it is so important you use the Rubric you are given in order to do the very best you can.

Although the example below does have three distinct columns (as is common in academic posters) There is no experimental design described and there is no much text on this poster, making it look quite gray and boring. Charts and other data are also presented in grey, which doesn't help. There isn't enough white space, and what space there is gets further broken down by the divider lines. This is often done when students try to fit too much information on the poster. Less is more in the case of a poster! This poster and others can be found on Canvas.

Figure 2. A Poster with Room for Improvement. Poster design by Dr. R. Young et al.
Figure 2. A Poster with Room for Improvement.
Poster design by Dr. R. Young et al.