
Ensure you submit each summary to the specific submission locations on Canvas.

Submitting all in one location will result in a mark of zero.

See Canvas for assignment due dates.

Your TA will assign you one of the following topics for this assignment:

  • Fish Population
  • Macroinvertebrates, or
  • Invasive Mussels.

Details about each of these projects can be found in the following pages of this lab manual.

Please read the Types of Sources section of the Procedures and Guidelines Document to review the differences between primary, secondary, and review sources, and to see examples of each type.

For each primary paper, you will need to select one figure you feel provides the most relevant information for your topic. You can work with your partner on selecting the 5 papers but this is an independent assignment. Be aware of plagiarism when working together. You will need to include the following information:

  • The figure and its caption
  • The URL for the paper itself
  • A clear and concise description of the information provided by this figure (a couple of sentences)
  • An explanation for how this information is relevant for your study

Here is an example submission with grading rubric: BIOL205_Assign-1_primary-source-paper-example-submission.docx